text processing utilities


The software is published under the GPLv3 license (Artistic Style: MIT). You can use it for free.
GPLv3: If the software is modified and distributed, it is required that all users get free access to the modified source code.
See the license description file COPYING (Artistic Style: LICENSE.md) included in the packages.
The SIGnatures guarantee that the files were not changed and do not contain malicious code.
How to test the signature
Send bug reports and suggestions

Highlight logohighlight 4.15 (GPLv3 License)

Source packages

highlight-4.15.tar.bz2 | 1.4 MB SIG

Windows packages

highlight-setup-4.15-x64.exe | 64 bit, 8.9 MB SIG
highlight-4.15-x64.zip | 64 bit, 8.5 MB SIG
highlight-setup-4.15.exe | 32 bit, 8.5 MB SIG
highlight-4.15.zip | 32 bit, 8.0 MB SIG

SHA256 Checksums

0e86f1fca148be832061eb4b8016addcb0059824c02975c9ecb8ae404580b4d0  highlight-4.15-x64.zip
68b3f8178c5c9d4b0a03f6948635cef1c8d06244f6b438eebf3a190c588337e9  highlight-4.15.tar.bz2
8baee43784b1d4a6c0338f77d53a700729616c61e3280cdec8166252174ca68d  highlight-4.15.zip
f1faba444636bbd8d0a746c41b63539a7ad9fa49b106eafe8ebaa64ccc018926  highlight-setup-4.15-x64.exe
2196cd1077d4fc179b8e5259cbf81b59f322cca93515675a4143b0dcafdbe3b9  highlight-setup-4.15.exe

Distribution packages:

Manual ][ Installation ][ Screenshots ][ ChangeLog ][ News ][ Git ][ 20 yrs - 2002-2022

The GUI translations (BG, CZ, FR, IT, ES, CN) need some care: Download this plain text file and send it back to improve usability in the next releases!

Project age: 22 years, 11 months, 1 day

Ansifilter Logoansifilter 2.21 (GPLv3 License)

Source packages

ansifilter-2.21.tar.bz2 | 425 KB SIG

Windows packages

ansifilter-2.21-x64.zip | 64 bit, 6.1 MB SIG
ansifilter-2.21.zip | 32 bit, 5.9 MB SIG

SHA256 Checksums

57624ae40be4c9173937d15c97f68413daa271a0ec2248ec83394f220b88adb9  ansifilter-2.21-x64.zip
5ea7cfdfd0752d5a169259da005c18b9037628036fd89d8b82624bacec9c1390  ansifilter-2.21.tar.bz2
f30adb39bd2ac12052e9f3700665faa98d291fb9a556228bdad3cec76dd173f8  ansifilter-2.21.zip

Distribution packages:

Manual ][ Installation ][ Screenshots ][ ChangeLog ][ Git

Project age: 17 years, 4 months, 6 days

Artistic Style 3.6.7 (MIT License)

Artistic Style was published in 1998, in 2003 the library was integrated in the Highlight utility.
Since November 2022 I help as maintainer to keep the project up to date.

Source packages

astyle-3.6.7.tar.bz2 | 230 KB SIG

Windows packages

astyle-3.6.7-x64.zip | 64 bit, 990 KB SIG
astyle-3.6.7.zip | 32 bit, 1.1 MB SIG

SHA256 Checksums

a58112248c93f1a497a200b4e05fc0a110ea83a1170396dea2b298906c2e788c  astyle-3.6.7-x64.zip
ac30a043ece5920e521c2560055877251bfeb8e102c589c65c50550f1eb25cef  astyle-3.6.7.tar.bz2
859c2c14e0f0fd0d5f8746630c78c1bca38d0c99149a8cd7b98b95809db890e9  astyle-3.6.7.zip


Check the signature of the downloaded files:

# run this once:
gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key D805A7C7

# run this if the key expired in 02/2017:
gpg --refresh-keys

# download the file and its asc signature, then run:
gpg --verify FILE.VERSION.tar.bz.asc FILE.VERSION.tar.bz
GPG public key
Fingerprint: B8C5 5574 187F 4918 0EDC 7637 50FE 0279 D805 A7C7
Fingerprint auf Gitlab