text processing utilities

MikroLock Dokumentation

MikroLock Installation


root of mikrolock-x.x
|-- l10n                # GUI localization files
|-- man                 # man page
`-- src                 # source code
    |-- gui             # Qt code
    `-- libs            # third party libs

AUTHORS                 # contributors of code and patches
ChangeLog               # list of changes
COPYING                 # license
mikrolock.desktop           # desktop integration of optional GUI
INSTALL                 # this file
makefile                # basic makefile
README                  # user manual
README_DE               # German user manual
TODO                    # just ideas, no plans


Zum Kompilieren wird libsodium >= 1.0.9 benötgt.
Die optionale GUI setzt Qt 5 voraus.

Installation des Source-Pakets

  1. tar xjf mikrolock-x.x.tar.bz2
  2. cd mikrolock-x.x
  3. make help
  4. make
    make gui (optional, zum Kompilieren der Qt GUI)
  5. make install
    (Je nach Installationsziel sind root-Rechte nötig)
  6. make clean (optional)

Installation unter OpenSUSE

Sollte ein Fehler beim Linken auftauchen (cannot find -lGL), bitte dieses Ticket beachten.

Installation unter Windows

Setup-Programm starten und Anweisungen folgen.

Compilation instructions for Windows

a) Install Qt Creator IDE (www.qt.io)

b) Install MingW (gcc toolchain)

    -Download Online-Installer: 
    -Start mingw-w64-install.exe and select default options
	 (compilation of 64 bit libs and applications requires extra steps later, marked by *64*)
    -Add bin directory of the downloaded files to the system PATH
    -open cmd.exe and type "g++ --version" to check

c) Compile Qt:

    -Download and extract package from qt.io -> qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.6.0.tar.gz
    -Open cmd.exe and change into the Qt directory
    -Configure Qt. Use static if you do not want to ship Qt DLLs:
     configure -release -opensource -confirm-license -static  -qt-zlib -qt-pcre -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg \
	           -qt-freetype -qt-sql-sqlite -no-openssl -nomake examples -opengl  desktop
    -Compile Qt:
     mingw32-make -k -j4

d) Add compiler and Qt paths (location of qmake.exe) in QtCreator

e)  *64*: -open qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.7.0\qtwinextras and compile the winextras module
          -edit additional include path for winextras in the mlock-gui pro file
f) Install libsodium:

   - Download Mingw package -> libsodium-1.0.10-mingw.tar.gz
     Extract the header files, libs and DLLs of libsodium-win32  (*64*: libsodium-win64).

g) Install upx

h) Open the pro files in src/w32-projects and src/gui/qt-widgets/mlock-gui/ in 
   QtCreator and adjust the paths of libraries and tools. Assign the kit config to the projects.
   Compile the lib project first.

i) Ship mikrolock with libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll (32 bit) libgcc_s_seh-1.dll (*64* bit)  libstdc++-6.dll libwinpthread-1.dll
   (these are located in the mingw32 installation) and the libsodium DLL.