text processing utilities


The software is published under the GPLv3 license (Artistic Style: MIT). You can use it for free.
GPLv3: If the software is modified and distributed, it is required that all users get free access to the modified source code.
See the license description file COPYING (Artistic Style: LICENSE.md) included in the packages.
The SIGnatures guarantee that the files were not changed and do not contain malicious code.
How to test the signature
Send bug reports and suggestions

Highlight logohighlight 4.10 (GPLv3 License)

Source packages

highlight-4.10.tar.bz2 | 1.4 MB SIG

MacOS GUI packages

highlight-4.10.dmg | 64 bit, 11.5 MB SIG
Installing the CLI brew package is recommended. Not tested on older MacOS versions (< Sonoma).

Windows packages

highlight-setup-4.10-x64.exe | 64 bit, 8.9 MB SIG
highlight-4.10-x64.zip | 64 bit, 8.5 MB SIG
highlight-setup-4.10.exe | 32 bit, 8.5 MB SIG
highlight-4.10.zip | 32 bit, 8.0 MB SIG

SHA256 Checksums

60079d12fce7bd10085b04ffd712eccac5029e8855eb636d586b20d57f1bb6eb  highlight-4.10.dmg
4df3817050be8efacf21df8094f8ae446b3f1aa84e7a62586faefa816dbb07b3  highlight-4.10-x64.zip
4389a022367ceafb55a6cf7774c5d82d320ec2df4339bae4aab058c511338ad0  highlight-4.10.tar.bz2
453f23d846c8f9a0fb925e6f0abdba1aad97fa77ef492757d1f7004f100d31bb  highlight-4.10.zip
620feddf7bea234dc93ed447ce5e77f1a4d8d64286ac26f16b7cf43d5eef8def  highlight-setup-4.10-x64.exe
12ab690cffc0e561e04fbb088e4336de764881912e64fa8382996bcdeb9f7afa  highlight-setup-4.10.exe

Distribution packages:

Manual ][ Installation ][ Screenshots ][ ChangeLog ][ News ][ Git ][ 20 yrs - 2002-2022

The GUI translations (BG, CZ, FR, IT, ES, CN) need some care: Download this plain text file and send it back to improve usability in the next releases!

Ansifilter Logoansifilter 2.20 (GPLv3 License)

Source packages

ansifilter-2.20.tar.bz2 | 450 KB SIG

MacOS GUI packages

ansifilter-2.20.dmg | 64 bit, 8.0 MB SIG

Windows packages

ansifilter-2.20-x64.zip | 64 bit, 6.1 MB SIG
ansifilter-2.20.zip | 32 bit, 5.7 MB SIG

SHA256 Checksums

955bdfd8f73e444a6fc8f75183d1c2913e41a1d4c47b1b8b336bd60f528f69f9  ansifilter-2.20-x64.zip
de51b2e9d978c2e7b1df2a4f7bcfa2aadfa16d65b48a6690c0b2f7311d9a68bc  ansifilter-2.20.dmg
35ec9d71a7f4e5601337937c7734b32a6e346c0f054f4d316376823cfe679067  ansifilter-2.20.tar.bz2
8b448bce7db5c25ebc0be0c1cfa586fa5b5ecad1138bcc4b0fcf62f970cf8a5c  ansifilter-2.20.zip

Distribution packages:

Manual ][ Installation ][ Screenshots ][ ChangeLog ][ Git

Artistic Style 3.4.12 (MIT License)

Artistic Style was published in 1998, in 2003 the library was integrated in the Highlight utility.
Since November 2022 I help as maintainer to keep the project up to date.

Source packages

astyle-3.4.12.tar.bz2 | 230 KB SIG

Windows packages

astyle-3.4.12-x64.zip | 64 bit, 720 KB SIG
astyle-3.4.12.zip | 32 bit, 740 KB SIG

SHA256 Checksums

4094ddfea4d769f571440bb55cd47b61c15b8338dcf6eba2e2ef527403ddb691  astyle-3.4.12-x64.zip
077459b29f7386f2569c142c68a5b6607680b0cbda0210209ffea6ff0f5ab60e  astyle-3.4.12.tar.bz2
183849f0f8355f59069f7bf788e476c3691b7634f6128ced87b8df9eb2259b61  astyle-3.4.12.zip

mlock logoMikroLock 1.2.1

The original app is no longer available for Chrome or other browsers as the Plugin API ceased to exist.
MikroLock will be available to decrypt existing files. There will be no feature updates.

Source packages

mikrolock-1.2.1.tar.bz2 | 315 KB SIG

Windows packages

mikrolock-setup-1.2.2-x64.exe | 64 bit, 7.3 MB SIG
mikrolock-1.2.2-x64.zip | 64 bit, 6.1 MB SIG
mikrolock-setup-1.2.2.exe | 32 bit, 6.9 MB SIG
mikrolock-1.2.2.zip | 32 bit, 5.7 MB SIG

SHA256 Checksums

d776463d43e9b0678a1cf3c8f86ad26d0ddedb2badb79b3acfcf12112ca210af  mikrolock-1.2.1.tar.bz2
735e77b6e8f695a3768af364be47b927f710887ed39c62f86e5affbbebc6bee0  mikrolock-1.2.2-x64.zip
1870bf7d00c687d79ac5bbf0f39a89089728e5d47084927d9653aab23ab02833  mikrolock-1.2.2.zip
a23d096577a429e592cc8c69cff6d04e66478f906cb4abffa95bcc002f45ba9c  mikrolock-setup-1.2.2.exe
2d2068626ba742705355df58a2e03f663957aebd8c53a753eae972242de3ebeb  mikrolock-setup-1.2.2-x64.exe

Distribution packages:

Manual ][ Installation ][ ChangeLog ][ Screencast ][ Git


Check the signature of the downloaded files:

# run this once:
gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key D805A7C7

# run this if the key expired in 02/2017:
gpg --refresh-keys

# download the file and its asc signature, then run:
gpg --verify FILE.VERSION.tar.bz.asc FILE.VERSION.tar.bz
GPG public key
Fingerprint: B8C5 5574 187F 4918 0EDC 7637 50FE 0279 D805 A7C7
Fingerprint auf Gitlab